Thursday 25 July 2013

Back again!!!! We are still on the Day One:

It was mid afternoon, very hot outside since we were traveling, the breeze made gave us a cool feeling. Our next stop was at a very old farmers market. There weren't many sellers as well few buyers. We just roamed around the market and came outside. My aunt went back again to buy some vegetables.

We went through the back of the farmers market and end up in front of the Hanuman Temple. We were just in time for the afternoon closing pooja.

Hanuman Temple - Maruthanamadam
There was a new Vishnu temple beside this one, look very beautiful and still in the construction mode.

Vishnu Temple - Maruthanamadam
After worshinping the Vishnu we headed towards Selvasannithy ( Lord Murugan Temple ). On the way we pass the Zonal Education Office ( Valigamam ) , The Jaffna University Faculty of Arts ( Fine arts ) and we stop by the Jaffna College Institute of Agriculture.
Zonal Education Office

Faculty of Arts ( fine Arts )

On the way we stopped at a small temple. I was told that "We cannot bypass this elephant head god ( pillaiyar ), we have to stop and worship him before we travel ahead." ( I didn't have enough time to verify about it ). At last, we reached the Selva Sannithy Murugan Temple at Thondamanaru where is a river thondamanaru beside it. We worshiped, walked around and had meals there. Later my friend wanted to get her palm read by an astrologer. It created a quite a spectacle for the people around.
Selva Sannithy Murugan Temple - Thondamanaarr
 Later that day, we visited Vallipuram Vishnu Temple. On the way we saw five branched palm tree which had one branch cut off due to its age and strong. We wanted to visit Sand beach where there was a church covered by the sand but due to time lapse we decided to return home.


On the way home, we visited Nilavarai Well which said to have bottom less end and which connected to Keerimalai pond beside Naguleswara Temple ( Shiva temple ). This is an ancient temple which undergone severe damages by different centuries, first the shrine was destroyed by the Portugese in 1620 and rebuild by local tamils in 1894. Then in 1983, it was occupied by the Sri Lankan Army and later in 1990 it was bombed by the Sri Lankan Air force during the war against Terrorism. Now again it was rebuilt in 2012. What an amazing story!!!!

Nilavarai pond ( bottomless pond )
Keerimalai ( mangoose hill ) Photos will be uploaded later.

 On the same day we have visited a small church and passed a Buddha temple which is in the state of construction. The place ( dhabakola patuna ) said to represent that Sangamitta king Ashoka's daughter (who came to spread Buddhism ) has landed in this place.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

In July 2013, My friend and I visited Sri Lanka. Due to our financial situation we decided that we visit Jaffna which will fit to our budget. My friend lost her wallet the day before the trip and didn't have any source of funds to spend. 

It was a very wise decision we had made, because we saw so many things that are no longer seen in western world. We spent 3 days full of Joy and happiness traveling around the city which have quite a lot of places and Hinduism,  Buddhism temples, churches, and mosques.

This is the Statue of Yarl Devi ( Mother of Jaffna )

Day One :   The Trip started by visiting two village nursery schools ( 3 to 4 years old children). We had lots of fun by singing songs and telling stories ( Photos not available ). Then to a traditional  hand-loom ( Nesavu )  place where only two girls learning how to make cotton materials. It was a very small place. 

Hand-loom machine made out of wood ( very old one )

We were traveling around the fields. There were some fields which had vegetables. There was a field where there were few people preparing small onions to sent to market. My friend got in to work with the workers. It was a quiet an experience for her. 

Separating onions from the root.

The day one is just started we have lot more to see. We saw a cremation at a cemetery. Its Mid day, not getting hungry!!! we are hungry about exploring the city of Jaffna. 

Next step is the "Arc" a center for special needs ( down syndrome ) children. There were all level of children who were about to go home for a short holiday due to the construction of new building. These kids come from home, they don't stay in the school. They get vocational training in various handmade products but don't get their normal education as our kids get here in Canada. There was a lovely beaded jewelery set for traditional dance ( bharatha natyam ).


 Here were are lot more to continue for the day take a short break.